Monday, September 3, 2018

Long Term Goals :
I picture myself nestled fireside in a cabin in the mountains, wrapped in a warm plaid blanket while the snow falls gently outside... writing novels... then typing them on an old school typewriter like Chevy Chase in the movie "The Funny Farm" (minus the lunatic mailman and dead corpses in the garden of course)...

Short Term Goals : 
Getting the kids to brush their teeth two days in a row
Discovering the bottom of my kitchen sink
Navigating our home without stepping on a kids' toy

Welcome to Odd Duck Diaries...


  1. Long term goals: a cup of coffee on my deck...alone
    Short term goals: getting my kids to take off their pants and underwear separately so they aren't attached when I do laundry.


Candy Christmas

Oh wow. Oh wow, oh wow. I'm dreaming of a Candy Christmas... apparently. It all started with an event my buddy and I co-hos...