Friday, November 23, 2018

Candy Christmas

Oh wow.
Oh wow, oh wow.

I'm dreaming of a Candy Christmas... apparently.

It all started with an event my buddy and I co-host each summer for kids.
Last summer, we included "Life-Size Candy Land" -- which meant that
I painted a large plywood gingerbread house.

This "House of Sweet Goodness" was the inspiration for
my Christmas decorating this year...

It led to candy-colored Anthropologie-knockoff garland.
To make this adorable garland, check out this fellow blogger's page.

But I was just getting warmed up... actually the glue gun was getting warmed up.
Next came the hand-made felt candy and gingerbread house ornaments.

The Christmas Tree was looking "sweet." 

 The final touch was filling clear Christmas ornaments with 
sprinkles -- mmmmm... delicious.

Merry Candy Christmas to you and yours.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

There once was a wood plank porch...

 I grew up in a two-story old white farmhouse on a farm in Southwest Iowa. 
My parents still live there today.
If I had the time, I would tell you about all of the important things that happened there...
but I could go on for days, so I'll summarize:
I had an amazing childhood.

On the front of that house, there was a wood plank porch.
On that porch, we sat and enjoyed treats in the summer.
When the sun was a few thumbs above the horizon yet,
Dad would come home from a hard day of work,
pour himself an iced tea and sit on that porch.
The we would proceed to have "Relay Races."

I'm not sure how this began...
but we looked forward to it so much.
We would take turns following Dad's directions:
- Run to the mailbox and back
- Run backwards around the little tree
- Three laps around the house
- Hop on one leg to and from the middle tree get the idea.

These were timed events and we would each get a turn.
I can still hear Dad sitting on the porch saying
"One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand..."

One summer, we heard a tribe of muffled "meows"
and discovered a sweet batch of baby kittens under that porch.
We just had to move the loose plank to get to them...
and everyone knew which plank was the loose one.

Long story short - when the decaying state of the porch made it no longer a suitable place to sit,
it was replaced with cement and new columns.

But the old columns mom kept. I'm not sure why, other than moms a keeper (in more ways than one)... and she gave me one years later. I kept it with me for about ten years... it moved with me more than once, but I still couldn't part with it.

Fortunately, I came across an idea - a way to incorporate it into my current home.
So now when I hang coats, I think about Relay Races...and baby kittens...and a loving home.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Candy Corn Garland

I used to think candy corn was so yummy.
For that matter... I used to like the taste of Easter Peeps.
I ate candies like Pop Rocks... and thought they were delicious.
It's amazing how our taste buds change as we grow.

Regardless of whether or not I eat it now, 
I still think that candy corn is cute - and so representative of the Halloween season.
Fun fact - I also love garland. making felt candy corn garland was a no-brainer for me -- and a lot of fun!

I cut the three colors into these three shapes from sheets of felt:

I made about 13 -- an unlucky number for Halloween decor just made sense.

Then I took embroidery floss and stitched the three pieces together like so:

Finally, I stitched them all onto a piece of white yarn to hang. (not pictured)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Once a cheerleader...

always a cheerleader.
Would you agree?

In high school - it was all about "Tiger Football."
That certainly seemed big to me at the time.

Today when I cheer it's because my sweet cousin beat cancer for a second time...
it's because my seven-year-old is making a climb up over the hill - academically speaking...
it's because my nieces who were born prematurely are running and playing and giggling.

It doesn't hurt to keep cheering... long after the crowd has gone home.

I always loved the lights...the game...the action on the football field.
When I saw this project online, I HAD to make it.
Luckily my four-year-old was totally on board to assist : 

Here is the link to a fellow blogger's diy page,
in case you feel so inclined to make a pair yourself!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Duct Tape Journals

Duct tape journals are fun to make - with or without the kids involvement!

Even as a grownup I'm drawn to all of the new duct tape prints that are out there.

Most of my projects begin with the thrift store... and this case is no exception.
Cute Bingo cards and board games were calling to me...

With the Bingo cards, I used my binding machine
and made these handy dandy little notepads.

The board games became journals.
I've made board game journals in the past,
but I did it a little differently this time.
Not only did I make them larger (used 1/2 of the board for each book
vs. 1/4 as I'd done in the past), but I also stitched them differently
so that they would open up enough to lay flat.

Step 1 : Cut the board game into four equal pieces.

Step 2 : Lay your front and back cover next to each other on your surface, but 
not flush side-by-side.

Step 3 : Tape your covers together using duct tape.
The trick is that you want to leave a 1-1/2" gap between the covers so that
when you tape the covers together you will have a section of tape-only remaining between the two
that you can use to sew through when you add your pages.
Your cover is ready.

Step 4 : Cut pages to fit your book.

Step 5 : Bind your pages using a binder machine.

Step 6 : Sew your pages into the book by sewing the binder comb flush to the duct tape.

Step 7 : Adhere one or more pieces of duct tape to the outside of your book to create a sharp, crisp binder look and to cover the sewing thread that is now visible.

I make these journals for kids - so I like to use various versions of the really fun-patterned duct tapes that are available in stores. I buy mine from my home girl Jenna at Dunlap Lumber and Home Supply, (yes, this is a plug) but you could potentially find duct tape at other stores... maybe.

 These are fun.

They just are.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Living History Farms

Ah...Living History Farms in Des Moines.... it's a wonderful place.
It you have never been there, or have never heard of it, here is a link, to catch you up to speed.

Look at this smile...

Look at these gears turning...

Look at these memories being made...

I first visited Living History Farms when on an elementary field trip. It was epic... 
as epic as a third grade field trip can be anyway. 
To go back more recently with our little ones was so much fun.
We went for their threshing demonstration, and the kids were in heaven.
I don't have a picture of it - but I was in shock when the LHF employees not only allowed, but encouraged the kids to climb up on the wagon to pitch wheat right onto the conveyor belt nearby.

It only got better from there. I commented to one of the demonstrators about how nice it was that the kids were allowed to do so many things... sit on equipment... touch animals... experience without boundaries.
She informed me that it was a goal of Living History Farms to have as few things be "off limits" as possible. 

Now that's talking my language - and what a rarity in today's world.
GREAT job Living History Farms!

Lastly, I have recently discovered that they offer Historic Skills Classes.
Be still my heart.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Duct Tape and Garbage Bag Formal Wear

Sometimes I look in the mirror and utter the words
"well... hello there you creative genius you..."

I've never really done that... I swear... honest..
Anyhoo... just when I get to thinking that I have 
some special power... that the right side of my brain
is so large it's going to make my skull look uneven,
I am pulled back down to earth.

Usually this happens as a result of a kid or kid(s)
who come up with a new, fun, interesting idea on the fly
that blows me away.

This picture represents one of those moments.
My husband's cousin's daughter (is that my second cousin-in-law once removed??)
is a ton of fun. She suggested that we create formal wear out of
duct tape and garbage bags... check out this awesome group of
kids modeling the outfits that they designed.

Kids have awesome ideas.
Be sure to listen.

Candy Christmas

Oh wow. Oh wow, oh wow. I'm dreaming of a Candy Christmas... apparently. It all started with an event my buddy and I co-hos...