Sunday, October 28, 2018

Candy Corn Garland

I used to think candy corn was so yummy.
For that matter... I used to like the taste of Easter Peeps.
I ate candies like Pop Rocks... and thought they were delicious.
It's amazing how our taste buds change as we grow.

Regardless of whether or not I eat it now, 
I still think that candy corn is cute - and so representative of the Halloween season.
Fun fact - I also love garland. making felt candy corn garland was a no-brainer for me -- and a lot of fun!

I cut the three colors into these three shapes from sheets of felt:

I made about 13 -- an unlucky number for Halloween decor just made sense.

Then I took embroidery floss and stitched the three pieces together like so:

Finally, I stitched them all onto a piece of white yarn to hang. (not pictured)

1 comment:

Candy Christmas

Oh wow. Oh wow, oh wow. I'm dreaming of a Candy Christmas... apparently. It all started with an event my buddy and I co-hos...