Saturday, October 13, 2018

Living History Farms

Ah...Living History Farms in Des Moines.... it's a wonderful place.
It you have never been there, or have never heard of it, here is a link, to catch you up to speed.

Look at this smile...

Look at these gears turning...

Look at these memories being made...

I first visited Living History Farms when on an elementary field trip. It was epic... 
as epic as a third grade field trip can be anyway. 
To go back more recently with our little ones was so much fun.
We went for their threshing demonstration, and the kids were in heaven.
I don't have a picture of it - but I was in shock when the LHF employees not only allowed, but encouraged the kids to climb up on the wagon to pitch wheat right onto the conveyor belt nearby.

It only got better from there. I commented to one of the demonstrators about how nice it was that the kids were allowed to do so many things... sit on equipment... touch animals... experience without boundaries.
She informed me that it was a goal of Living History Farms to have as few things be "off limits" as possible. 

Now that's talking my language - and what a rarity in today's world.
GREAT job Living History Farms!

Lastly, I have recently discovered that they offer Historic Skills Classes.
Be still my heart.

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