Thursday, October 18, 2018

Duct Tape Journals

Duct tape journals are fun to make - with or without the kids involvement!

Even as a grownup I'm drawn to all of the new duct tape prints that are out there.

Most of my projects begin with the thrift store... and this case is no exception.
Cute Bingo cards and board games were calling to me...

With the Bingo cards, I used my binding machine
and made these handy dandy little notepads.

The board games became journals.
I've made board game journals in the past,
but I did it a little differently this time.
Not only did I make them larger (used 1/2 of the board for each book
vs. 1/4 as I'd done in the past), but I also stitched them differently
so that they would open up enough to lay flat.

Step 1 : Cut the board game into four equal pieces.

Step 2 : Lay your front and back cover next to each other on your surface, but 
not flush side-by-side.

Step 3 : Tape your covers together using duct tape.
The trick is that you want to leave a 1-1/2" gap between the covers so that
when you tape the covers together you will have a section of tape-only remaining between the two
that you can use to sew through when you add your pages.
Your cover is ready.

Step 4 : Cut pages to fit your book.

Step 5 : Bind your pages using a binder machine.

Step 6 : Sew your pages into the book by sewing the binder comb flush to the duct tape.

Step 7 : Adhere one or more pieces of duct tape to the outside of your book to create a sharp, crisp binder look and to cover the sewing thread that is now visible.

I make these journals for kids - so I like to use various versions of the really fun-patterned duct tapes that are available in stores. I buy mine from my home girl Jenna at Dunlap Lumber and Home Supply, (yes, this is a plug) but you could potentially find duct tape at other stores... maybe.

 These are fun.

They just are.

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