Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Stitch Kits

Oh to be a kid again...

What I mean is... aren't we all guilty of purchasing toys for our kids that deep down, if we are being honest, we truly desire to own ourselves?

It's a little tricky for me to navigate this.
I want to buy my kids mosaic tiles, cutesy notepads and art supplies.
They want tanks... weaponry... really anything related to death...
but I digress.

Where were we?
Ah yes... stitch kits.

I visited my favorite local lumberyard, where I purchased a sheet of standard brown pegboard,
and asked their very charming and enthusiastic (*sarcasm) employee Keith if he would be a dear and cut it into small squares for me. He obliged... grumble, grumble. Sometimes Keith doesn't see my visions... but I like him anyway.

Back home, I got on Photoshop and created several patterns -- my "vision" was that kids could stitch these patterns onto the pegboard squares using colorful shoelaces.

Here are some examples of the patterns I came up with:

...and here are some of my favorite kids (and borrowed kids) giving the product a test run:

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