Friday, September 7, 2018

You'll find me where the mess is...

Messes find me.
I'm serious -- it cannot possibly be blamed on the life choices I make.
It cannot possibly be something I've struggled with from early childhood.
...and it definitely cannot be a bad habit I'm passing on to my kids...

or can it?

"But art is my escape...
"It's cheaper than therapy...

"I swear my house doesn't look like this all the time."

I stopped apologizing to my mother-in-law.
She is the sweetest lady you will ever meet. Period.
She insisted that I stop apologizing for the mess every time she visited.
So I have stopped!
And you know what -- it feels good... to live with abandon... I think I'm going to lose my bra right now just to prove it.
(then again, maybe not)

Truth is - I love it. I LOVE it. I LOVE IT.
I don't love messes -- they stress me out... 

...but the getting there. The making something with your own two hands.
Re-purposing something deemed useless or dated...
Having the visual and bringing it to life.
I can't get enough -- it's an addiction.
My kids are encouraged to make messes.
...and I no longer feel the need to apologize.

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